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Who does not see the face of the defeat? Every human being must lose in some matter. This is a lifelong affair. Even the most successful people lose on many occasions. Life does not spare anyone in this matter. This is not possible because every person has to go through all the stages of this world. Whenever a human enters the arena for competition, the possibility of losing is not less. Sometimes it happens that one competes with great skill, strength and determination and hangs on till the end, but then loses at the hands of sheer luck. If a cricket match continues till the last ball, then the victory on the last ball is a real victory and we cannot call such a defeat as an auspicious occasion. It happens. A complete victory is one that occurs two or three overs early and the losing team feels that the winners really deserved to win.

Who in a crowded world is ready to lose or likes to lose? Not a single person will be willing to lose. Those who know and understand that it is not their destiny or privilege to win on the basis of ability, strength and determination, they also want to ensure victory in one way or another. This is in accordance with human nature. Every human wants to win in every situation. Circumstances and Ground Facts Whoever is the storyteller, man wants only the news of his success to reach him. Failure happens to everyone. Those who compete sometimes win and sometimes lose. Losing and winning is part of life. This world has come into being with this mood. If you want to live and live here, you have to understand and accept the basic principles and mood here.

Is it such a bad thing to lose that we lose heart? Should losing a single event or competition be considered the end of life? We see many people with the same mentality. Even the slightest failure proves to be a blessing for them. In their mind. This concept has become entrenched without any solid justification that man must win every time. In such a case, failure is not digestible. There is a big difference between losing and feeling defeated. When one thinks that losing means the end of all possibilities, then one cannot be persuaded that life cannot be lived that way. Every human being of every era considered defeat and victory as a part of life and their affairs Tried to fix it. If someone in the ground of his psychological or intellectual structure strikes this concept  like an imposition that losing means the end of all possibilities, then It is extremely difficult to get him on the path to improving matters. Such people also lose Their mind to believe in victory and defeat. Their mind is Thinking about only to win all the time. This mindset does leaves no room for taking advantage of the possibilities available. Success in real sense is only for those who are ready for all kinds of consequences and also accept them.

Every person in the world should be ready to lose in any matter. Such preparation does not burden the mind. When a person thinks that winning is not necessary and that losing can happen, then he prepares himself to try to make things better. There’s a big difference between going to a bar and feeling defeated. If someone loses even after extraordinary hard work and competition, the heart is definitely hurt, but not so much that he loses courage and does not prefer to enter the field for the next competition. Failure to win does not necessarily mean that only defeat is destined. Nothing is ultimately destined. Man can change his circumstances and make things better whenever he wants. This option cannot be taken away from him. It is possible for everyone to change the direction of life and prepare themselves for good times through struggle.

There is One “the clear defeat”, As a result of, the heart and mind feel like shock. For a while, it seemed as if the possibilities were gone. The mind refuses to work, the heart goes numb. After some time, when the senses are restored, then it is assumed that the defeat has occurred, but not that there is nothing left. In every situation, a person has the option of doing something or the other.

There is a big difference between being a loser and having a loser mindset. Winning or losing is a normal part of life. Everyone Goes through this stage. Whatever the case may be, it should not be decidedly annoying or fatal to you in any degree. What happens to everyone is considered normal. Any normal matter cannot be abnormal to you. The only question is whether you are able to understand the matter or not. Most stories of failure are the result of indolence rather than inaction. When one believes himself to be a loser, a pragmatic attitude to win cannot develop. The mentality of considering defeat as a destiny takes away the passion and enthusiasm from a person.  In this case, the option of inaction remains.

This is what happens when the mentality of admitting defeat is not properly cultivated

That is, a person considers any failure as the biggest failure of life and gets discouraged.


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